3D Modeling

3D Modeling using tools such as Alibre Atom 3D, Blender, and Plasticity

Since CAD programs were first created, there have been a number of different approaches. The most common ones, and example implementations may be:

  • Mechanical modeling --- Alibre Atom 3D, Dune 3D

  • Mesh sculpting --- Blender

  • NURBS --- Plasticity 3D

This page will consider these three concepts and ways in which they might be used.

Dune 3D is an opensource application:

and is available as an installable download for Windows: https://github.com/dune3d/dune3d/releases/tag/v1.1.0 and as source code with instructions for building in Mac OS X and Linux.

When first launched, it appears as a small window:

with a list of recent files (if applicable) and buttons for creating a new document or opening an existing one, as well as standard window controls and interface elements for other commands such as maximizing:

Creating a new document brings up a window:

which along with basic commands is discussed at: https://docs.dune3d.org/en/latest/usage.html

Last updated